the supermarket I was asked when I said I don’t want a plastic bag
but prefer to use my own bag, if I am an ecologist.
Of course, I
I thought: How can someone not be an ecologist? The whole planet and
every living thing upon it is part of an ecology in wondrous
harmoniously created ecosystems. That is what life on earth is built
on. So to not be part of that is to be against life. And, after
thinking closer about it, that is exactly what our western life style
and systems are; against life, destroying life by destroying the
harmony of the ecosystems we are all part of.
are part of a huge ecosystem called the universe. This is the only
system we need to be faithful to, to respect and protect,
because we are so intertwined with it as a baby in the mothers womb. In contrast to the political and
economical systems, which are mainly looking for profit, power and private property for a few, the ecological system will always support and feed
us, as long as we don't deny it and turn it our back, seduced by the
other systems' false promises of security and happiness.
and economical systems could also be a part of the ecosystem of
course, if they would respect the laws of nature and spring from a
profound understanding that we are all deeply connected with all
other beings on the planet and with the planet and the whole universe
the human race, have disconnected ourselves from the natural flow of
life and forgotten that we are all part of it and what we do to
another living being we do to ourselves. We are all important parts
of a big whole and all our actions are having impact on the whole. It
is easy to see that our current actions are having a negative impact
on the planet (just consider how much garbage everyone of us throw
every day or the production chain behind the things that we buy).
Imagine the reverse: How would it look if everybody could really feel
their belonging and interrelatedness to the whole and took
responsibility for every action? Let's go back to the supermarket,
the temple of consumerism, and in front of every item we are about to
buy stop and ask: Is this thing recyclable? Is it in any way
destructive for the planet, either in the production process or as
waste? If it is don’t by it!
of course, on our way out we say no thank you to plastic bags!
note that this observation is made in Greece where management of environmental
issues is not yet that developed. I am aware that in many other
countries plastic bags in the supermarkets just don't exist anymore
or they exist but you have to pay for them.
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