Friday, December 4, 2020

Self care and Sacred activism

 The huge, fast speeding snowball of consumerism

that nobody dares to stop

even for a moment

to reflect,

to check the situation and say -Hey,

I think we got a problem here!

We don't need to go on like this

we know better

we are vibrational, multidimensional beings with capabilities beyond our imagination.

We can create a better world

We can create an amazing world!

And now is a good time to do that.

Wherever there is a problem, there is also a solution

In every moment we make a choice to be part of either the problem or the solution.

With our actions, interactions, transactions

But also with our vibes, our energi, our emotions are we contributing to the world around us.

We have a greater impact on our surroundings than we often think. And that gives us a responsibility to be aware and take care of our state of being.

I don't mean that we have to control all the thoughts, feelings and stuff that goes on within us, but I mean we can be aware of them.

To know ourselves.

When we are aware of our innermost longings and our true values, when we have looked through belief systems and borrowed world views and come to know our own truth, then we can make better decisions.

Better for ourselves and for the world.


Becoming more aware of my true self, more mindful and more soulful, gives me the feeling of interconnectedness and interbeing. That everything is connected.

In a huge, invisible eco system

Self care then becomes really important. That each of us take care of our little part in the worldwide web of life.

Self care becomes sacred activism.

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