Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Welcome to my blog!

I am delighted to share and connect with you more than I would do if I just kept these writings in my journals. I feel we all have a lot to share and contribute and this is the time to do it. We have all the technological assistance we need and it seems to be a time of communication, to go from "me" to "we" and create something beautiful together.
What is happening in the world blends with my experience of meditation, yoga, healing and Life itself, and I see an interesting connection: What is happening in the world is also happening in ourselves, what is happening in the world is a reflection on what goes on inside us; chaos, conflicts, confusion but also love, joy, grace... We usually don't realize though, that we’ve got the power to choose and to change. We really just need to change one person to change the world; ourselves. We can stop our doing for a moment to take a deep breath, to go within, take a good look and question what is going on in our minds. When we do that we usually discover that many of our thoughts, beliefs and ideas are not ours, they are not even true, but we still take them for granted, for “normal”, live by them and create our lives according to them.
The crises and changes that are taking place in the world today are reflecting crises and changes in our consciousness. More and more people and movements are questioning old systems and lifestyles that obviously don't serve us anymore. There is a longing and a tendency to move from separation to oneness. From fighting to caring, from fear to love, from war to peace.
The soulful revolution starts within. It starts with the soul, sick and tired of being prisoned by the concepts of our mind. It is the soul that wants to be set free and express and embody itself as the highest potential of the human experience. In Love. In Peace. In Grace.
Would you like to join? Just close your eyes for a moment. Become aware of the breath breathing you in this moment, feel your body as you sit there and just explore what happens inside, in you. There it begins.


  1. Ευχαριστώ Νηκολάκι!

  2. Ετσι τα comments φαινονται μια χαρα!Φιλια

  3. I'll be one of your faithful readers!!! Valérie

  4. συγχαρητήρια για το blog karin !

    είμαι μαζί σου στην 'επανάσταση' !!!

    φιλάκια από βέλγιο. θεοδοσία

  5. Ευχαριστώ Θεοδοσία μου

  6. Ευχαριστώ Θεοδοσία μου
